Infographic| the 15th platform; Narration of Empowerment
  • Jul 6 2020 - 14:06
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Infographic| the 15th platform; Narration of Empowerment

Once again, Iran exhibited its ability in science production. This reality has been confirmed by the latest Scopus data in 2019.

This citation database, which presents articles, journals, books, and prestigious scientific conferences from around the world, announces one-step improvement of Iran in the number of scientific publications in the world, reaching the fifteenth place in this regard. This position is the highest rank in the country so far.

To achieve this improvement in the number of scientific publications, our researchers and scientists published a total of 67,744 scientific articles in 2019, which shows an increase of 13% compared to 59,911 published in 2018.

The infographic below shows Iran’s position in 2019 in terms of producing scientific works.

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